SOWIM Discipleship Study Guide – Kindle Version Now Available in Chinese, English, and Spanish!

20240821 SOWIM Discipleship Study Guide - Kindle Version Now Available in Chinese, English, and Spanish!

SOWIM Discipleship Study Guide – Kindle Version Now Available in Chinese, English, and Spanish!

A: Traditional Chinese Kindle eBook Order Links

Four books are now available!

1. The Books of Chronicles Discipleship Bible Study
Click to order the Chronicles eBook in Traditional Chinese

2.  The Book of Job: An Encounter with Eternity

Click to order the JOB eBook in Traditional Chinese

3. The Book of 1 Samuel Discipleship Study Guide: The Wheel of History Is in God’s Hands
Click to order the 1 Samuel eBook in Traditional Chinese

4. The Book of 2 Samuel
Click to order the 2 Samuel eBook in Traditional Chinese

B: Simplified Chinese Kindle eBook Order Links

Four books are now available!

1. The Books of Chronicles Discipleship Bible Study
Click to order the Chronicles eBook in Simplified Chinese

2.  The Book of Job: An Encounter with Eternity
Click to order the JOB eBook in Simplified Chinese

3. The Book of 1 Samuel Discipleship Study Guide: The Wheel of History Is in God’s Hands
Click to order the 1 Samuel eBook in Simplified Chinese

4. The Book of 2 Samuel
Click to order the 2 Samuel eBook in Simplified Chinese

C: English Kindle eBook Order Link

* The Book of 1 Samuel Discipleship Study Guide: The Wheel of History Is in God’s Hands
Click to Order the 1 Samuel eBook in English

D: Spanish Kindle eBook Order Link

* The Book of 1 Samuel Discipleship Study Guide: The Wheel of History Is in God’s Hands
Click to Order the 2 Samuel eBook in Spanish

SOWIM has published thirteen printed books, and our writing team is working diligently to make each one available as an eBook. We are also committed to translating these materials into multiple languages. We kindly ask for your support of SOWIM’s publishing ministry.

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