The Book of Promise
The Book of Promise

The Book of Promise

USD 30

Under Moses’ leadership, the Israelites came out of Egypt, and finally, led by Joshua, they entered the promised land of Canaan after many battles. However, the Israelites began to forsake God, so God’s anger burned against them, and He handed them over to their surrounding enemies. When they were oppressed, plundered, and in great distress, they cried out to God, and God raised up judges to deliver them from the hands of their enemies. During this chaotic period, God also chose a Gentile woman, Ruth, who remarkably became part of the genealogy of the Messiah, through an unbroken line of descendants generation after generation. This shows that God’s redemptive plan to save the world was already revealed to us during the period of the judges.

Introduction to
The book of Promise

“The Old Testament with New Audio-Visual – The Books of Promise” is a compilation rearranged from the Bible study materials on the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth published by SOWIM. It consists of thirteen stations, forming a whole season’s Bible study content for small groups or Sunday schools. Each station’s video includes a summary of the background, an exposition of the scripture, and a sharing segment, with a length of 25 minutes. The study guides for each unit provide complete explanations of the scriptures and discussion questions. After watching the videos, the discussion questions in the guides allow participants to immerse themselves in the learning experience of each station. We hope that this rich content, neatly organized, can help small group Bible studies and Sunday school classes make full use of their time, achieving the best outcome for learning the scriptures at each station.

Chinese pronunciation.

Traditional/simplified Chinese subtitles.

Each station is about 25 minutes, 13 stations in total.

Traditional Chinese, 350 pages.
This is a study manual designed for group Bible studies and Sunday school, with equal emphasis on scripture study and daily application. It has 13 stations in total. Each stop has in-depth explanations and discussion sharing, allowing readers to have a very deep understanding of “Joshua”, “Judges” and “Ruth”.


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