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“The Judges” originally meant “saviors”; they were called by God to lead the Israelites in defeating foreign oppressors. Judges also had administrative and judicial roles.

After Joshua’s generation passed away, later generations “did not know the Lord”. The Israelites in the Promised Land broke their covenant with God, following the evil practices of the foreign peoples still living there, even worshipping their idols and intermarrying with them. God allowed enemies to attack them, and when they suffered, they cried out to God for salvation. God then raised up judges to save them, allowing Israel to enjoy a period of peace. However, this cycle of covenant-breaking, suffering, crying out, salvation, peace, and renewed covenant-breaking repeats throughout the Book of Judges.

The judges recorded in the Book of Judges, despite their flaws, were still used greatly by God because of their faith. Some of them, including Gideon, Barak, Samson, and Jephthah, are listed in Hebrews Chapter 11 among the “Heroes of Faith”. May we learn from the faith of these judges, overcome our own weaknesses, and receive God’s abundant blessings.

The multimedia Bible study materials for the Book of Judges achieve the best results in learning the Bible through audio-visual teaching. They are ideal teaching materials for use in church Sunday schools, small group Bible studies, or leadership training courses.

Introduction to Judges

“The Judges” originally meant “saviors”; they were called by God to lead the Israelites in defeating foreign oppressors. Judges also had administrative and judicial roles.

After Joshua’s generation passed away, later generations “did not know the Lord”. The Israelites in the Promised Land broke their covenant with God, following the evil practices of the foreign peoples still living there, even worshipping their idols and intermarrying with them. God allowed enemies to attack them, and when they suffered, they cried out to God for salvation. God then raised up judges to save them, allowing Israel to enjoy a period of peace. However, this cycle of covenant-breaking, suffering, crying out, salvation, peace, and renewed covenant-breaking repeats throughout the Book of Judges.

The judges recorded in the Book of Judges, despite their flaws, were still used greatly by God because of their faith. Some of them, including Gideon, Barak, Samson, and Jephthah, are listed in Hebrews Chapter 11 among the “Heroes of Faith”. May we learn from the faith of these judges, overcome our own weaknesses, and receive God’s abundant blessings.

The multimedia Bible study materials for the Book of Judges achieve the best results in learning the Bible through audio-visual teaching. They are ideal teaching materials for use in church Sunday schools, small group Bible studies, or leadership training courses.

Mandarin/Cantonese audio, Traditional/Simplified Chinese subtitles, 105 minutes. A total of 10 stations, can be played chapter by station.

  • Entire film shot on location;
  • 3D animation;
  • 3D geographic presentations and simulated maps;
  • Includes a large collection of rare artifacts from museums;
  • Documents God’s faithfulness, mighty power, and the fulfillment of His promises.

Traditional Chinese, 278 pages.

This is a study guide designed for small group Bible study and Sunday school, with a strong emphasis on both scripture study and life application. It consists of 10 chapters, each offering clear explanations and discussion points, helping readers gain a profound understanding of the Book of Judges.


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