Founder’s testimony

An All-in Service Life
One Rice Feeds a Hundred Types of People

Joyful Running on the Path of Service

There’s a good Chinese saying: One rice feeds a hundred types of people. God’s creation of us is truly diverse, and each type is so special and unique. When facing various turning points, setbacks, successes, or challenges in life, we, these hundred types of people, handle them in different ways. In service, some get hurt, fall and leave, or become discouraged, while others become more determined with each setback; some become exhausted, while others gain more energy as they go.

Every year, SOWIM holds an annual dinner just before Thanksgiving. At the dinner, we get to express our gratitude to brothers and sisters in person; we interact, pray for each other, and share about the ministry’s development and future plans. However, the pandemic changed our way of life. With physical gatherings prohibited, SOWIM also faced enormous challenges.

Thus, the online live broadcast of the Psalm Recital and Ministry Sharing on 12/12/2020 became another “first” for SOWIM!

With faith and courage from God, we worked hard on the preparations, connected with ministries in various places to obtain live videos, while also speeding up local filming and editing work in the US. In the tight schedule, SOWIM encountered some technically unsolvable mysteries, but our God is one who turns difficulties into grace! Through this live broadcast, God brought three brothers together – Zheng Mingqing, Chen Jiadong, and Chen Junhui (Raymond) – who became the behind-the-scenes heroes of SOWIM’s live broadcast. It was because of their simultaneous online presence that we were able to complete this live broadcast feast. This time, we conducted an in-depth interview with Brother Raymond, asking him to share with us about his joyful running on the path of service.

Obeying God’s Call

Brother Raymond describes himself as a die-hard before knowing the Lord. At the age of 42, God answered his prayer and allowed him to experience a miraculous healing. After that, this die-hard brother could no longer remain stubborn. He humbly turned to the Lord and embarked on a path of service, serving in the church as a guitarist in the worship team, sound engineer, and deacon.

On December 12, 2009, God called his wife Susan (yes, our Pastor Meng!) to start a ministry creating multimedia Bible study materials. Oh my! This was truly a huge challenge, starting from scratch, both big and difficult. How many people, when faced with God’s call, are willing to stand up and respond bravely? Here, two people raised their hands: Susan and Raymond. When this calling was so clear and from God, Raymond said he immediately made up his mind to be his wife’s unwavering support, fully backing this ministry. So, the two began working without pay, around the clock, step by step, and to this day they still obey God’s call, continuing to move forward by the grace of the Lord.

Principal and Bell Ringer

In the early stages, whether big or small, everything needed to be done. To help people better understand SOWIM, Pastor Susan made many plans and efforts, with Brother Raymond serving as a solid support and supply station. Need to release monthly videos? Alright! Raymond picked up the camera and tripod, following Susan everywhere for outdoor shots. Whether it was the hillside behind their house or even the 85°C bakery in Irvine, you could find their footprints filming videos. Of course, the post-production editing was also done by Raymond before uploading to the internet.

Additionally, Pastor Susan was often invited to preach at different churches in Southern California or to teach Sunday school using SOWIM materials. Need to turn these sermons and teachings into videos for more people to see SOWIM? No problem! Raymond continued to carry two cameras and two tripods, doing on-site filming, behind-the-scenes editing, and publishing these videos on websites and social media platforms.

Besides weekend outdoor shoots and going to various churches to preach and teach, they cherished any opportunity to make SOWIM better known. They often set up booths at many churches and special events to promote and introduce SOWIM materials. Carrying heavy equipment, including cameras, tripods, projectors, screens, and lots of teaching materials, sometimes for three or four-day events, they would man the booths every day, returning home very late. Raymond says he’s lost count of how many places they’ve been and how many times.

For the five years before SOWIM hired full-time staff, Raymond was also responsible for daily bilingual updates on SOWIM’s website and Facebook in both Chinese and English. For seven consecutive years after SOWIM’s establishment, he also went on short-term missions to Taiwan with his wife, responsible for photography, videography, and video editing. Occasionally, he also shared his testimony with students in the English Bible camps during the mission trips. Certainly, numerous filming projects within SOWIM’s Bible curriculum, including segments featuring scholars’ discussions, prominently include Brother Raymond’s involvement.

Trials Allowed by God

Since SOWIM’s establishment, the operation of the ministry has been fully supported by the couple. They have invested time, money, and energy, burning their lives in complete dedication to God’s work.

However, in 2013, SOWIM faced a financial crisis. There were insufficient funds in the bank, no source for video production costs, and they often had to transfer money from their own retirement savings to the SOWIM account to alleviate this predicament. So Raymond and his wife made a decision: from 2014 to the end of 2016, for a full three years, they would not buy any new clothes, bags, shoes, cameras, electronic products, etc. They were determined to donate all the money they could save to SOWIM, allowing it to continue producing Bible study materials. Because being faithful to God’s calling has always been the top priority in any decision in their lives.

After three years, SOWIM’s finances suddenly improved. God Himself moved more brothers and sisters to become SOWIM’s elite soldiers, and miraculously led SOWIM through the financial difficulties. This experience made him deeply realize that for the ministry God wants us to do, He will provide abundantly and show the way clearly!

Little Secrets of Joyful Running on the Path

On the path of service, indeed, we may encounter some setbacks and hurts. Or even if it doesn’t happen to us personally, we often see or hear about brothers and sisters who leave their positions of service, leave the church, or even distance themselves from God after investing much effort and energy. Seeing all the voluntary service Raymond and his wife have done for SOWIM, no one can deny the hardships along this journey, all the sweat and tears, all the time and energy spent, which are so clear and profound. But Raymond says he rarely has moments of doubt. Occasionally, due to human relationships, he might feel discouraged. But he says, “I focus on the moment when I will face God in the future, hoping that God will be proud of me. I concentrate on pleasing God and obeying my Heavenly Father, and everything is done willingly and gladly.”

If you’re having thoughts of giving up… here’s a verse to encourage you: John 12:26 says, “If anyone serves me, my Father will honor him.” What an honor it is that we can receive respect from our Heavenly Father! Brother Raymond says that service is about working for God’s kingdom and pleasing God, so he does it willingly, without complaint, and doesn’t feel tired. Moreover, “serving God” in SOWIM is not just an abstract concept, but a real experience that allows believers to learn the Bible and know God more deeply and in an interesting way, and also allows non-believers to be saved and come to faith through SOWIM’s materials. He says that whenever he sees someone believe in Christ and get baptized because of SOWIM’s Bible study materials, or sees hundreds of students raise their hands to accept Jesus as their Savior during years of short-term mission camps, he feels great joy and thinks all the time and effort spent is worthwhile. From this perspective, everyone involved with SOWIM’s materials, whether in front of or behind the scenes, users or producers, consumers or donors, all share in this grace and glory together.

SOWIM’s 11th Anniversary Commemoration: Live Broadcast on 12/12/2020

For this live broadcast, Brother Raymond said he was under immense pressure. Firstly, gathering materials from various places took time, and with the broadcast time approaching, post-production editing time was repeatedly compressed. He worked until midnight on the day of the broadcast, feeling extremely tired but also excited, nervously anticipating the 4 PM broadcast.

Since the live video wasn’t uploaded to YouTube in advance, figuring out how to get the correct link to brothers and sisters was a real headache for the SOWIM team. Thank God, Brother Mingqing, with rich live broadcasting experience, appeared. He shared techniques known only to insiders, guiding Raymond and Brother Jiadong through several rehearsals. On the day of the broadcast, Brother Mingqing handled the primary video transmission, Brother Jiadong was on standby as the second hand, and Brother Raymond was the third safety line. This way, if the network suddenly had issues, someone could immediately take over the broadcast.

Thank God, with the golden touch of these three mighty warriors, the first live broadcast was successfully completed on the day of SOWIM’s 11th-anniversary ministry thanksgiving and the release of the Psalms project!

Through this online broadcast experience, we can clearly see God’s intention for us to be parts of one body. Going solo might be exhilarating, but it cannot take us far. In the journey of ministry, because of Christ, we can complement each other’s strengths and work together harmoniously; we strive to be each other’s family. When facing difficulties, family members are always the first to extend a helping hand. We thank God for the behind-the-scenes efforts of these three brothers, showing us how God works all things together for good for those who love Him.

Readers might think by now that Raymond must be a retired person to have so much time to do all these things for SOWIM! But in fact, he still has a quite busy full-time job. All these big and small tasks were completed during weekday evenings and weekends. Going on short-term missions to Taiwan also required taking special leave from his company.

What kind of determination allows one to run joyfully and tirelessly in service? Is it because the service process has been smooth, enjoying endless grace, so one can keep going? Or is that determination not only strong but an innate willingness to suffer?

播種國際事工自從2009年成立以來,在全世界38個國家都有教會或宣教禾場在使用播種國際事工出版的多媒體查經教材和影片。 從2021年起我們將所有播種已經發行的查經影片都公開在Youtube 播種官方頻道,使神的話語可以 跨越國界,傳得更遠更廣。
2022年我們的製作團隊再一次回到耶路撒冷,拍攝《歷代志門訓生命查經》影片。出發前我已經開始撰寫歷代志門訓生命查經的教材,播種的林紫薇導演也已經用了大約兩年的時間籌備《歷代志門訓生命查經》的製作。拍攝初期雖然我們躲不過寒風細雨的冷凛,但是太陽一天一天愈發耀眼、野地的花也綻放得繽紛燦爛,我和導演團隊還受到以色列政府的免費招待, 住進了耶路撒冷最具歷史的旅館。原來神慈愛的眼目一直眷顧著我們,祂大能的手一路恩待我們。在拍攝的全程每一天都有恩典,每一步都是見證。正如詩篇122:6 所説:”你們要為耶路撒冷求平安!耶路撒冷啊,愛你的人必然興旺!”
還記得在2009年12月12日早晨靈修的時候,我禱告完正要開始讀經,才剛坐在椅子上,忽然間領受到一個從上頭而來,好像是穿過天花板,垂直而下烙在我意念裡的聲音,說:「Susan,妳要起來再繼續製作多媒體形式的查經教材!」當天我和師丈 Raymond為這個突如其來的「領受,」我們有很多顧慮。經過一整天的討論之後,當晚我們回應主説:「千萬不要叫我們做這個多媒體的查經教材!服事的路很廣,無論用甚麼其他方式來服事祢,我們都可以接受。」
就事實而論,我能為神做什麼事是神不會的呢?我能夠拿什麼獻給神是神沒有的呢?偉大的神,居然向我這渺小的人發出邀請來與祂同工,這是何等的恩典!當時心中害怕的我,竟然愚昧地躱避神。感謝神,因著祂的慈愛憐憫,祂並沒有就此放棄我。(Insert the image of 2022-05 播種每月電子報Chronicles Fundraising photo graphic with scripture.)
隔週在12月16日早晨我讀完靈修的經文,正要默想經文的時候,突然從我裡面有一個微小的聲音浮上胸口,問我說:「Susan,妳愛我嗎?」當時我愣住了,不知如何回答丶也不敢回應。因為我知道我下了決定不要做多媒體查經教材的事工,但是那微小的聲音又再一次問我:「Susan,妳愛我嗎?」這次聖靈還接著說:「妳在敬拜的時候,唱歌很大聲喔! 妳掏心掏肺的對我說,妳的生命氣息是為我,每一個腳步都是為我,那妳真的愛我嗎?」當我被聖靈三次問到「妳愛我嗎?」我內心裡覺得羞愧萬分,不住的流淚!
我以為我是個真心誠意的愛主,又獻身給主來全時間服事,可是一旦主的呼召令我害怕環境、又懼怕人的時候,我就給自己找一個看似理由充足的藉口選擇逃避。我看見了自己的軟弱、不配和小信。於是我帶著眼淚向主懺悔,請求祂的原諒。我向主說,「主啊! 祢知道我愛祢,求祢幫助我愛祢更深。這事既然是出於祢的呼召,我願意順服全力以赴,但恐怕我的力量太小, I only have little strength. 」我在禱告中的最後一句話「I only have little strength」不再是起初的推諉,而是向主真實的告白。(Insert Susan Photo -3 praying in the church)
誰會知道隔天星期四早晨靈修的經文包括了啟示錄第三章,當我讀到啟示錄三章8節,聖經記載著耶穌親口說:「I know that you have little strength.」我不敢相信耶穌對非拉鐵非教會所說的這句話,竟然與我前一天向主悔改認罪時在禱告中所說的一樣! 實在是太不可思議了!昨天我才坦承 I only have little strength, 今天主耶穌就告訴我祂知道。原來在一切都沒有發生之前,主早就知道所有關於我內心最深處的痛和我的有限。這一句, I know that I have little strength傳遞了神無所不知又溫柔無比的父愛。祂在告訴我:祂瞭解我、認識我,祂也完全接納我一切的軟弱和不足。耶穌如此細膩地體會我的心境,使我深深地被震撼,當下放聲嚎啕大哭。祂並不要求我甚麼,因為祂本來就知道我的力量是不夠的;可是祂看重的是「遵守祂的道,不棄絕祂的名。」此刻我才明白,主耶穌向我發出呼召是因為祂看重一顆堅守主道、忠心到底的心志。
主耶穌在這段經文中還給了我一個關鍵的應許,祂説:「看哪!我在你面前給你一個敞開的門,是無人能關的。」神的旨意沒有人能攔阻,神開啟的門也沒有人能關!耶穌將大使命託付給每一位基督徒,要我們將神的真理和救恩傳給萬國萬民,直到地極。雖然我沒有力量,我和師丈也不知道前面的路要怎麼走;但是我們清楚知道這個事工是神要我們去做的,因此我們唯一該做的就是放下自己的想法,全心順服神的呼召。只要神開了門,我們就勇敢忠心的向前走。當我在以色列看到年輕人,只要到了年齡、無論男女人人都要接收軍事訓練實槍實彈地上戰場,我們既然是基督徒,作神國的百姓,我們豈不更應當以基督為元帥,每天穿上屬靈的軍裝來贏得這一場屬靈爭戰的勝利嗎?(Insert Susan photo-3 with Israeli soldiers)
我和師丈並沒有資源也沒有人脈,凡事只能向主求。就包括我甚至不知道要給這個事工取什麼名字的時侯,聖靈立即感動我在約翰福音四章14節看到耶穌對撒瑪利亞井旁的婦人說:「凡喝這(井𥚃)水的還要再渴;人若喝我所賜的水就永遠不渴。我所賜的水要在他裡頭成為泉源,直湧到永生。」耶穌來到世上就是要把生命的活水賜給每個人,唯有耶穌所賜的水,才是生命的泉源,使人永遠得到滿足。「泉源」在NIV英文聖經的翻譯就是 “Spring of Water.” 於是我領悟到神要興起這個多媒體查經教材的事工,是因為祂要我們把神話語的活水分享給世上的人。不分文化、種族、語言和國界,神要給世人的恩典就是人人都能得到有一股生命力像源源不絕的泉源,一直湧流到永生。所以這個多媒體查經教材事工的名字就是Spring of Water International Ministries。(Insert SOWIM Logo)
因為我是住在美國的華人,而華人的足跡遍滿全球各地,因此我接著在禱告中向主求問,請祂也給這個事工取一個中文的名字。聖靈輕鬆的點醒我,讓我把 Spring of Water這三個字寫在一張紙上,並且問我在這三個字當中我看到什麼? 我回答說,我看到這三個字的第一個英文字母分別是S, O, W。此時我驚然發現這個英文字母在中文裡的動詞意思就是「播種」。頓時我的心充滿了興奮和驚喜!神給我們的中文名字是「播種國際事工」。原來神的話不但是活水,也是一粒粒的種子,要種在人們的心田裡。神的真理和慈愛會使人空虛又被轄制的心靈能夠得著飽足。耶穌也親口說:「我就是生命的糧。到我這裡來的,必定不餓;信我的,永遠不渴。」(約翰福音6:35) 神就這樣奇妙地藉著事工的名字,啟示了神在這個世代要使用多媒體的聖經教材,祝福萬國萬民蒙恩得救的心意。
接著有兩次在禱告中,神都讓我看到聖靈環繞著地球像風在吹動,一套套的播種教材如種籽隨著聖靈的風飄落在世界各地,種在人們的心田裡。《以賽亞書》五十五章10-11節說:「雨雪從天而降,並不返回,卻滋潤地土,使地上發芽結實,使撒種的有種,使要吃的有糧。我口所出的話也必如此,決不徒然返回,卻要成就我所喜悅的,在我命定的事上必然亨通。」這是神給世人永不改變的祝福。神在現今的時代使用「播種」與神同工,呼召「播種」加入大使命,與神的兒女們共同來完成祂永恆的旨意。(Insert Susan Photo -4 Chronicles team)
正如耶路撒冷承載著許多淚水、爭戰、流血、衝突,但她紀錄了神聖偉大的歷史,今天人們的生命也常在現實與信仰間激烈的掙扎。而愛我們的神仍然繼續在使用我們並不完美的故事去作祂恩典的見證。在世界的紛亂裡,您要專注在神永恆不改變的計劃。我邀請您為《歷代志門訓生命查經》的影片和教材製作代禱和奉獻,藉著帶領人認識神的話語,我們一起將基督的救恩傳遍地極。神不在乎我們微不足道,只要我們「遵行祂的道,不棄絕祂的名。」神必照祂在聖經上的應許, 用百般的祝福回應您殷勤的代禱和慷慨的奉獻。加油!願您和播種一起成為神給這個世代的祝福!
神已經給播種國際事工敞開一個門,把祂的話語傳給萬國萬民。我誠懇地邀請您一起來「播種」-「使撒種的有種,使要吃的有糧!」(以賽亞書55:10)。您和我能服侍這位永遠活著,滿有慈愛、尊貴全能的神,是一個榮耀的使命,也將是我們這一生最蒙恩典的祝福、最有智慧的抉擇!(Create a slogan graphic with Bobo Seed guy)
美國加州 2022-04-27
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