God’s Revelation Is In the World (2024/04)

In this rapidly changing world, there are endless wars and economic crises.   Despite the efforts of capable politicians, natural and manmade disasters persist, unrests continue to escalate. How should you and I in this 21st century stand firm in the midst of these turmoil?


【Charging Station】Job

Completely honest and God-fearing Job lost everything, and in extreme suffering he once considered himself righteous and was angry and dissatisfied, until he understood that God created the universe, heaven and earth, and all things, possessing all sovereignty and perfect wisdom, love and justice.


【Charging Station】Ruth

The Book of Ruth tells a moving love story, and yet the word “love” is not mentioned once throughout the entire book. Boaz’s act of redeeming Ruth allows us to see that in God’s plan of salvation, He includes the Gentiles as well…


【Charging Station】Psalms

The Psalms are like a window into a dialogue with God’s heart and soul. Through this window, we on the inside can pray, praise, weep and lament to God. And through this window, God conveys to us His love, compassion, protection and His promises that never change.


【Charging Station】Nehemiah

The Book of Nehemiah records that under God’s wonderful protection, in 445 BC, the third group of captive Israelites returned to Jerusalem under Nehemiah’s leadership, and in just 52 days they rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem!


【Charging Statation】Ezra

The Book of Ezra records that under God’s wonderful and mighty guidance, the captive Israelites returned to Jerusalem in two waves, by decree of the Persian kings, in 537 BC and 458 BC.

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